
We are Andreas, Paulina, Eloïse and Caleb van Dingen.
As a family we left the Netherlands in 2007 to start working as missionaries in Quebec, Canada with the organization Youth with a Mission (YWAM). We mainly work in the YWAM center in Dunham, and are involved in various projects and activities both in the center and elsewhere in the province of Quebec. We are passionate about investing in people through training, mentoring and leadership.

In order to keep you up-to-date with our life and mission, we regularly send out newsletters. Here you can read how we are doing, what we experience, what prayer points there are and how you can contribute to our mission projects. Would you like to receive our newsletters by e-mail? Click on the button below, you will be redirected to the page where you can sign up for our newsletter in English. We aim to send out 2 English newsletters per year.

Click here to sign up for our newsletter in English!

Financial support:
We are not paid for the missionary work we do, but depend on donations from friends, family and churches.
We would also like to appeal to you, would you want to support us?

With your financial contribution you help us as a family to live and work here, and you invest in our mission.

There are several ways in which you can send your one-time or monthly contribution:
By PayPal:

If you already have a PayPal account you can use our email address: thing1@zonnet.nl
If you don’t have a PayPal account, go to: PayPal.me/VanDingen 

Trough Project Funding in Vancouver: www.ywamcanada.org/donations 
On this page several giving options are explained. You can choose one that suits your preference.
Our code with is Project Funding is: VA12 Andreas & Paulina Van Dingen.
When you give through Project Funding you can get a tax receipt if you are from Canada or the US.

If these options don’t suit you, please contact us directly at andreas@vandingen.nl

Thank you for your support and commitment!
Andreas, Paulina, Eloïse and Caleb van Dingen.

Video portrait:

We would like to give you an insight into our lives. In this short video you can see how we live in Saint Armand, Quebec, Canada.

This video was made by; Ruben van Dingen in November 2018.